Welcome to Christ Church C of E Primary School

Welcome to Christ Church C of E Primary School

Welcome to Christ Church C of E Primary School


Outdoor Learning

Learning outdoors provides children with a new environment beyond the classroom.


Outdoor learning and play increases children’s level of physical activity; we aim for children to feel the benefit of being active outdoors.

Spending time outside in green spaces reduces stress and as result has a positive impact upon children’s mental health and well-being.

Outdoor learning contributes to a child’s social and emotional development. We can see the positive impact of learning outside on a child’s self-esteem independent decision making and risk taking, problem solving and creativity.

Our children have opportunity to utilise the many outdoor spaces and places available in Bristol. We regularly walk to visit sites to enhance children’s understanding of their sense of place in our city. We ensure our children have a cultural capital as well as a geographic and historic understanding of Bristol.This is best achieved by seeking first-hand experiences by getting out and about as much as possible.


At School:

At Christ Church School we benefit from every classroom having a door to the outside, enabling easy access for academic, creative and physical learning in the outdoors. Although we are a city centre school, we are fortunate to have outdoor facilities that enrich our curriculum. A floodlit games court for Sport, a woodland playground with all-weather surface, a variety of free play climbing apparatus; funded by our PTA

Our most recent addition is the development of an outdoor classroom for cross curricular learning and forest school activities.

Our school is close to the Bristol Downs and classes often walk there to participate in the Avon wildlife led workshops to learn about the ecosystem and species that inhabit the space.

Beggar Bush Outdoor Activity Centre:

Through our partnership with nearby Clifton College, all children benefit greatly from day visits in the summer terms to the Clifton College Beggar Bush Outdoor Activity Centre, where they learn forest school and team building skills trying; archery, mountain biking, geo cache, and the clear favourite toasting marshmallows around the fire.