Year 3 - Primary Secondary and Tertiary Colours
We have absolutely loved this first term with Year 3. We have managed to cram in so much learning and Year 3 have been ready and waiting to soak it all up! We finished up this week with some Art theory. We looked at the colour wheel and used primary colours to create secondary and tertiary colours. Following this, we learnt of the importance of observation when sketching. We studied regular objects around the classroom to create life like drawings including shade and tone.
How can we end this term without talking about the fantastic Harvest celebration? Year 3 performed their hearts out and they filled the church with joy, thanks and smiles. It was the perfect way to end a brilliant term 1. Year 3, have a well earned rest this half term. All we ask is that you come back in term 2 as enthusiastic and wonderful as you have been this term. Happy Half Term.