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- Message from Mrs Jones
- Term 6 Dates
- Reception – What a buzz!
- Year 1 - Algorithms, decomposition and debugging
- Year 2 - The Barnabas Project
- Year 3 - Cookery
- Year 4 - Computing weather report
- Year 5 - Tints Shades and Tones
- Year 6 - Beggar Bush, Buddies and Trains
- Yr 5 Girls Football at Ashton Gate
- News from the Church
- News from the PTA
- Attendance Athletes w/c 13th May
- May Half Term
We’ve had a very busy and enjoyable term. The children have had lots to do both in and outside of the classroom. The school adults have continued to facilitate a rich and varied curriculum with assessments seamlessly delivered. The school Governors have made two excellent appointments for September; Mr Oldfield, headteacher and Mrs Richardson, Deputy headteacher. Our Governors have also written further about the journey of our school, please see the letters in the SZapp feed.
We found out this week our school has achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark. The Director of the award programme states ‘By enabling effective science leadership, PSQM is powering the potential of all children to see the relevance and importance of science in their lives, now and in the future. Schools that have achieved a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning and the profile and quality of science in each accredited school is very high. Science subject leaders, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.” Miss Riddiford is our Science subject lead teacher and we thank her for enabling our school to benefit from this opportunity. We aim for our children to be inspired by all subjects in the primary curriculum through meaningful , first-hand experiences and making links with other subjects and real life.
PSHE. During term 6 the teachers will be delivering the Changing Me units of the Jigsaw personal, social, health education programme. Please see the letter in the Szapp feed linked to information on our website.
Sports Day is confirmed for the morning of Friday, 5th July. Clifton College are kindly hosting us at New Fields, opposite the Redgrave theatre, all welcome.
Our PTA hosted a fun quiz evening last Friday, thank you to the parents/carers who organised and supported this event. On 4th June, during assembly, Touchwood will be presenting their plans regarding an upgrade to our Pirate ship. We will be excited to share these with you following.
School is closed tomorrow, 24th May for an academy day. Term 6 begins on Monday, 3rd June. Have a super half term break (whatever the weather).
July | Tues 16th |
Yr 6 & Reception buddies picnic |
Thurs 18th |
Yr 6 Leaver's assembly |
Fri 19th |
Last day of Term 6 |
Inset and Academy Days:
Monday 22nd July - INSET day, children not in school
Tuesday 23rd July - INSET day, children not in school
Monday 2nd September - INSET day, children not in school
Tuesday 3rd September - INSET day, children not in school
Reception have been ‘busy bees’ this week after beginning with World Bee Day on Monday. It was a ‘hive of activity’ in the classroom-finding out about the life cycle of a bee, making and painting bees, pretending to be bees collecting nectar with pipettes in the outside area and of course finding out how honey is made. (Tasting honey in our own sandwiches too!) The children were fortunate enough to hear from an expert –Charlie, our beekeeper parent. Many thanks to Charlie for giving up his time to come and talk to the children. It is an invaluable experience and it is much appreciated.
This week saw the culmination of our Transport topic – ending with trains! The children found out about George Stephenson and his rocket and how trains have developed through time into the modern day ‘Bullet trains’ in Japan which can go 199 mph!!
The children are continuing to develop and improve their writing using their segmenting fingers to spell by using their knowledge of sounds and practising their letter formation skills. Any writing that can be done at home as practice such as a shopping lists, thank you notes or post-it note messages to a relative/friend will greatly support their progress.
Maths learning involved exploring, manipulating and rotating shapes to solve shape problems and create patterns. The children were given the challenge of creating a quilt for Grandpa after listening to the book ‘Grandpa’s Quilt’ by Betty Franco and construct their own transport themed ‘tangram’ puzzles! A tangram is a puzzle consisting of 7 flat polygons, called ‘tans’, which are put together to form shapes.
Reception have continued to impress us with their knowledge and enthusiasm and we are sure they will enjoy the opportunities we have planned for Term 6. In the first week back, both classes will be going to the Belmont Estate for some outdoor learning. RLB on Wednesday 5th June and RRP on Thursday 6th June. Please ensure you look out for any communication outlining details for the trips.
Just a reminder we are not in school on Friday as this is an Academy Day. We hope you all have a great half term – hopefully enjoying the sunshine together!
Mrs Richardson, Mrs Petters and Miss B.
Year 1 - Algorithms, decomposition and debugging
On Monday we had a computing day where we learned about algorithms, decomposition and debugging. To help us understand a bit more about decomposition, we made our own algorithm which listed step by step instructions for a partner on how to build a tower from blocks. It allowed our partners to solve one big problem (building a tower) by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable chunks (step by step instructions). In the afternoon, we explored debugging by making step by step directions for a map in groups. As a whole class, we then followed the directions, looking out for ‘bugs’ that needed fixing.
In maths this week we learned about capacity and how it differs from volume. We filled two containers, finding their capacity using cubes, then compared the two using greater than, less than and equal to symbols.
In science we have enjoyed watching our nasturtiums grow from a tiny seed into a tall plant. We learned about the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees by braving the rain to go on a tree hunt in search of the two different types of trees.
Well done for another fantastic term Year 1 and we hope you and your grownups enjoy a very well deserved break!
Year 2 have had a busy end to term 5. To finish our work on The Barnabus Project the children wrote repeating pattern poems all about what makes them different and unique. We spoke about how being different is often a good thing and how we each have special qualities and skills which make us special just like Barnabus in the story.
We also continued our maths learning on telling time. We learnt to tell times past the hour and also to five minute intervals. We've really worked hard to embed this skill however it is necessary to continue to practise at home!
We have made it to the end of term 5, time is certainly flying in year 3. We have had an extremely busy and successful term and feel very proud of the children. They are starting to feel like year 4's and ready to fly the nest!
We were very lucky on Monday to have Bea's Mum Charlie visit year 3 to share her cookery knowledge. Charlie led 2 cookery sessions with year 3 and they were a roaring success. We are so grateful as are the children that you found the time to share your expertise with us.
We hope you all have a restful and wonderful half term and come back ready for the final ever term in year 3!
Year 4 - Computing weather report
Year 4 have had a busy week completing their assessments and they have shown amazing resilience and aspiration. In computing we researched weather in a city of our choice and then wrote a newspaper report which we filmed in front of a green screen. Using iMovie, we created our very own weather forecast report with a background of our choice.
Year 5 - Tints Shades and Tones
On Monday, year 5 had a great time exploring tints, shades and tones in art. We learnt that artists add white to a colour which creates a tint whilst adding black darkens the colour to create a shade. We are looking forward to being able to use our new skills next term in our art unit on still life.
Year 6 - Beggar Bush, Buddies and Trains
Wow, what a fantastic week of term! The sun was shining as we set off for an action-packed day at Beggar Bush. Our three instructors - Alex, Jamie, and Ian - made the day exciting by teaching us archery, mountain biking, and bike maintenance.
On Tuesday, a highlight was meeting up with our buddy, who brought a favourite book to share.
On Wednesday, Florence from Platform Rail, came to talk to us about rail safety. She was incredibly knowledgeable, and her presentation helped us understand the dangers and taught us how to stay safe around trains and tracks.
Yr 5 Girls Football at Ashton Gate
On a warm and sunny May afternoon, our Year 5 girls had the opportunity to play at Ashton Gate Stadium, the home of Bristol City. As is always the case, our team represented Christ Church with honour, with tough opposition to face. They gave it their all, putting in a supreme effort. In the next article, you will learn how the girls get on in Tuesday's friendly match against Hotwells.
Children from KS2 who enjoy singing are invited to join us in the Church on Wednesdays after school, 3:25- 4:20pm.
The registration will go ‘live’ on Monday 3 June 9am, only 30 places available.
We have a professional choir coach who is great fun, full of energy, and very experienced with musicals/ Kids choirs.
£20 / family for 6 weeks.
Camp Fest 2024 is approaching! Please save the date for this popular and spectacular PTA event.
Here’s a video showing some highlights from previous years…